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pixar.8bi [13.00K]
radiance.8bi [15.50K]
u3d.8bi [1.70M]
wbmp.8bi [9.50K]
filters [14.16M]
lighting styles [1.64K]
2 o’clock spotlight [0.06K]
blue omni [0.06K]
circle of light [0.14K]
crossing [0.09K]
crossing down [0.09K]
default [0.06K]
five lights down [0.17K]
five lights up [0.17K]
flashlight [0.06K]
flood light [0.06K]
parallel directional [0.09K]
rgb lights [0.12K]
soft direct lights [0.09K]
soft omni [0.06K]
soft spotlight [0.06K]
three down [0.12K]
triple spotlight [0.12K]
average.8bf [9.00K]
channelport.8bf [19.00K]
clouds.8bf [18.50K]
extractplus.8bf [304.00K]
lens blur.8bf [2.02M]
lens correction.8bf [2.47M]
lightingeffects.8bf [372.00K]
liquify.8bf [2.30M]
ntsc colors.8bf [13.00K]
patternmaker.8bf [156.00K]
solarize.8bf [7.50K]
standard multiplugin.8bf [3.51M]
vanishingpoint.8bf [2.91M]
variations.8bf [65.50K]
image stacks [55.50K]
statistics.8ba [55.50K]
import-export [5.45M]
firewire export.8be [41.00K]
firewire.dll [40.50K]
save for web.8be [5.37M]
measurements [66.50K]
measurementcore.8me [66.50K]
presets [94.71M]
actions [239.29K]
commands.atn [5.15K]
frames.atn [43.68K]
image effects.atn [25.23K]
lab – black & white technique.atn [2.46K]
production.atn [9.89K]
stars trails.atn [15.38K]
text effects.atn [42.60K]
textures.atn [51.24K]
video actions.atn [43.67K]
black and white [3.50K]
blue filter.blw [0.29K]
darker.blw [0.29K]
green filter.blw [0.31K]
high contrast blue filter.blw [0.29K]
high contrast red filter.blw [0.29K]
infrared.blw [0.29K]
lighter.blw [0.29K]
maximum black.blw [0.29K]
maximum white.blw [0.29K]
neutral density.blw [0.29K]
red filter.blw [0.31K]
yellow filter.blw [0.30K]
brushes [5.91M]
assorted brushes.abr [53.98K]
basic brushes.abr [29.76K]
calligraphic brushes.abr [12.08K]
dp brushes.abr [431.41K]
drop shadow brushes.abr [31.97K]
dry media brushes.abr [1.11M]
faux finish brushes.abr [140.75K]
m brushes.abr [170.10K]
natural brushes 2.abr [77.70K]
natural brushes.abr [44.74K]
round brushes with size.abr [31.59K]
special effect brushes.abr [2.53M]
square brushes.abr [20.86K]
thick heavy brushes.abr [228.59K]
wet media brushes.abr [1.03M]
channel mixer [0.26K]
black & white infrared (rgb).cha [0.04K]
black & white with blue filter (rgb).cha [0.04K]
black & white with green filter (rgb).cha [0.04K]
black & white with orange filter (rgb).cha [0.04K]
black & white with red filter (rgb).cha [0.04K]
black & white with yellow filter (rgb).cha [0.04K]
color books [532.35K]
anpa color.acb [6.94K]
dic color guide.acb [29.07K]
focoltone.acb [18.57K]
hks e process.acb [2.02K]
hks e.acb [2.02K]
hks k process.acb [2.02K]
hks k.acb [2.04K]
hks n process.acb [2.02K]
hks n.acb [2.00K]
hks z process.acb [2.02K]
hks z.acb [1.37K]
pantone color bridge cmyk ec.acb [25.84K]
pantone color bridge cmyk pc.acb [26.28K]
pantone color bridge cmyk up.acb [25.91K]
pantone metallic coated.acb [7.29K]
pantone pastel coated.acb [4.12K]
pantone pastel uncoated.acb [4.14K]
pantone process coated.acb [69.53K]
pantone process uncoated.acb [69.56K]
pantone solid coated.acb [26.83K]
pantone solid matte.acb [26.82K]
pantone solid to process euro.acb [25.91K]
pantone solid to process.acb [25.80K]
pantone solid uncoated.acb [26.85K]
toyo 94 color finder.acb [21.99K]
toyo color finder.acb [27.38K]
trumatch.acb [48.01K]
color swatches [1.58M]
anpa colors.aco [13.97K]
dic color guide.aco [42.42K]
dic swatch readme.pdf [313.79K]
focoltone colors.aco [35.67K]
hks e process.aco [2.69K]
hks e.aco [2.74K]
hks k process.aco [2.69K]
hks k.aco [2.74K]
hks n process.aco [2.69K]
hks n.aco [2.68K]
hks z process.aco [2.69K]
hks z.aco [1.55K]
mac os.aco [2.50K]
paint color swatches.aco [9.16K]
pantone color bridge cmyk ec.aco [48.24K]
pantone color bridge cmyk pc.aco [49.45K]
pantone color bridge cmyk up.aco [48.22K]
pantone metallic coated.aco [12.92K]
pantone pastel coated.aco [6.71K]
pantone pastel uncoated.aco [6.71K]
pantone process coated.aco [151.02K]
pantone process uncoated.aco [151.02K]
pantone solid coated.aco [48.40K]
pantone solid matte.aco [48.40K]
pantone solid to process euro.aco [48.24K]
pantone solid to process.aco [48.24K]
pantone solid uncoated.aco [48.40K]
photo filter colors.aco [3.20K]
toyo 94 color finder.aco [34.94K]
toyo color finder.aco [35.14K]
trumatch colors.aco [88.39K]
visi bone readme.pdf [283.30K]
visibone.aco [3.29K]
visibone2.aco [2.50K]
web hues.aco [2.11K]
web safe colors.aco [2.11K]
web spectrum.aco [3.33K]
windows.aco [2.50K]
contours [5.03K]
contours.shc [5.03K]
curves [0.56K]
color negative (rgb).acv [0.06K]
cross process (rgb).acv [0.08K]
darker (rgb).acv [0.06K]
increase contrast (rgb).acv [0.06K]
lighter (rgb).acv [0.06K]
linear contrast (rgb).acv [0.06K]
medium contrast (rgb).acv [0.06K]
negative (rgb).acv [0.05K]
strong contrast (rgb).acv [0.06K]
custom shapes [1.09M]
all.csh [377.61K]
animals.csh [9.87K]
arrows.csh [16.43K]
artistic textures.csh [76.73K]
banners and awards.csh [11.03K]
film.csh [19.89K]
frames.csh [15.82K]
grime vector pack.csh [179.89K]
lightbulb.csh [73.30K]
music.csh [8.05K]
nature.csh [59.60K]
objects.csh [78.26K]
ornaments.csh [53.85K]
shapes.csh [27.91K]
symbols.csh [57.65K]
talk bubbles.csh [9.63K]
tiles.csh [14.86K]
web.csh [26.95K]
duotones [70.11K]
duotones [45.03K]
gray-black duotones [11.77K]
424 bl 1.ado [0.51K]
424 bl 2.ado [0.51K]
424 bl 3.ado [0.51K]
424 bl 4.ado [0.51K]
cool gray 7 bl 1.ado [0.51K]
cool gray 7 bl 2.ado [0.51K]
cool gray 7 bl 3.ado [0.51K]
cool gray 7 bl 4.ado [0.51K]
cool gray 9 bl 1.ado [0.51K]
cool gray 9 bl 2.ado [0.51K]
cool gray 9 bl 3.ado [0.51K]
cool gray 9 bl 4.ado [0.51K]
gray 423 bl soft.ado [0.51K]
gray 423 bl very soft.ado [0.51K]
gray 423 bl.ado [0.51K]
warm gray 11 bl 1.ado [0.51K]
warm gray 11 bl 2.ado [0.51K]
warm gray 11 bl 3.ado [0.51K]
warm gray 11 bl 4.ado [0.51K]
warm gray 8 bl 1.ado [0.51K]
warm gray 8 bl 2.ado [0.51K]
warm gray 8 bl 3.ado [0.51K]
warm gray 8 bl 4.ado [0.51K]
pantone(r) duotones [27.12K]
144 orange (25%) bl 1.ado [0.51K]
144 orange (25%) bl 2.ado [0.51K]
144 orange (25%) bl 3.ado [0.51K]
144 orange (25%) bl 4.ado [0.51K]
144 orange bl 80% shad.ado [0.51K]
159 dk orange bl 1.ado [0.51K]
159 dk orange bl 2.ado [0.51K]
159 dk orange bl 3.ado [0.51K]
159 dk orange bl 4.ado [0.51K]
327 aqua (50%) bl 1.ado [0.51K]
327 aqua (50%) bl 2.ado [0.51K]
327 aqua (50%) bl 3.ado [0.51K]
327 aqua (50%) bl 4.ado [0.51K]
478 brown (100%) bl 1.ado [0.51K]
478 brown (100%) bl 2.ado [0.51K]
478 brown (100%) bl 3.ado [0.51K]
478 brown (100%) bl 4.ado [0.51K]
506 burgundy (75%) bl 1.ado [0.51K]
506 burgundy (75%) bl 2.ado [0.51K]
506 burgundy (75%) bl 3.ado [0.51K]
506 burgundy (75%) bl 4.ado [0.51K]
527 purple (100%) bl 1.ado [0.51K]
527 purple (100%) bl 2.ado [0.51K]
527 purple (100%) bl 3.ado [0.51K]
527 purple (100%) bl 4.ado [0.51K]
blue 072 bl 1.ado [0.51K]
blue 072 bl 2.ado [0.51K]
blue 072 bl 3.ado [0.51K]
blue 072 bl 4.ado [0.51K]
blue 286 bl 1.ado [0.51K]
blue 286 bl 2.ado [0.51K]
blue 286 bl 3.ado [0.51K]
blue 286 bl 4.ado [0.51K]
brown 464 bl 1.ado [0.51K]
brown 464 bl 2.ado [0.51K]
brown 464 bl 3.ado [0.51K]
brown 464 bl 4.ado [0.51K]
green 3405 bl 1.ado [0.51K]
green 3405 bl 2.ado [0.51K]
green 3405 bl 3.ado [0.51K]
green 3405 bl 4.ado [0.51K]
green 349 bl 1.ado [0.51K]
green 349 bl 2.ado [0.51K]
green 349 bl 3.ado [0.51K]
green 349 bl 4.ado [0.51K]
mauve 4655 bl 1.ado [0.51K]
mauve 4655 bl 2.ado [0.51K]
mauve 4655 bl 3.ado [0.51K]
mauve 4655 bl 4.ado [0.51K]
red 485 bl 1.ado [0.51K]
red 485 bl 2.ado [0.51K]
red 485 bl 3.ado [0.51K]
red 485 bl 4.ado [0.51K]
process duotones [6.14K]
cyan bl 1.ado [0.51K]
cyan bl 2.ado [0.51K]
cyan bl 3.ado [0.51K]
cyan bl 4.ado [0.51K]
magenta bl 1.ado [0.51K]
magenta bl 2.ado [0.51K]
magenta bl 3.ado [0.51K]
magenta bl 4.ado [0.51K]
yellow bl 1.ado [0.51K]
yellow bl 2.ado [0.51K]
yellow bl 3.ado [0.51K]
yellow bl 4.ado [0.51K]
quadtones [7.16K]
gray quadtones [2.05K]
bl cg10 cg4 wmg3.ado [0.51K]
bl cg10 wmg3 cg1.ado [0.51K]
bl cg10 wmg4 cg3.ado [0.51K]
bl wmg9 cg6 cg3.ado [0.51K]
pantone(r) quadtones [2.05K]
bl 430 493 557.ado [0.51K]
bl 431 492 556.ado [0.51K]
bl 541 513 5773.ado [0.51K]
bl 75% 50% 25%.ado [0.51K]
process quadtones [3.07K]
cmyk cool.ado [0.51K]
cmyk ext wm.ado [0.51K]
cmyk neutral.ado [0.51K]
cmyk very cool.ado [0.51K]
cmyk very wm.ado [0.51K]
cmyk wm.ado [0.51K]
tritones [17.91K]
gray tritones [4.09K]
bl 404 wmgray 401 wmgray.ado [0.51K]
bl 409 wmgray 407 wmgray.ado [0.51K]
bl cool gray 10 wmgray 1.ado [0.51K]
bl for dark cg9 cg2.ado [0.51K]
bl for low con cg9 cg2.ado [0.51K]
bl normal cg9 cg2.ado [0.51K]
bl soft cg9 cg2.ado [0.51K]
bl wmgray 7 wmgray 2.ado [0.51K]
pantone(r) tritones [3.58K]
bl 165 red orange 457 brown.ado [0.51K]
bl 172 orange 423 gray.ado [0.51K]
bl 313 aqua 127 gold.ado [0.51K]
bl 334 green 437 mauve.ado [0.51K]
bl 340 green 423 gray.ado [0.51K]
bl 437 burgundy 127 gold.ado [0.51K]
bl 50% 25%.ado [0.51K]
process tritones [10.23K]
bcy green 1.ado [0.51K]
bcy green 2.ado [0.51K]
bcy green 3.ado [0.51K]
bcy green 4.ado [0.51K]
bmc blue 1.ado [0.51K]
bmc blue 2.ado [0.51K]
bmc blue 3.ado [0.51K]
bmc blue 4.ado [0.51K]
bmy brown 1.ado [0.51K]
bmy brown 2.ado [0.51K]
bmy brown 3.ado [0.51K]
bmy brown 4.ado [0.51K]
bmy red 1.ado [0.51K]
bmy red 2.ado [0.51K]
bmy red 3.ado [0.51K]
bmy red 4.ado [0.51K]
bmy sepia 1.ado [0.51K]
bmy sepia 2.ado [0.51K]
bmy sepia 3.ado [0.51K]
bmy sepia 4.ado [0.51K]
exposure [0.05K]
minus 1.0.eap [0.01K]
minus 2.0.eap [0.01K]
plus 1.0.eap [0.01K]
plus 2.0.eap [0.01K]
gradients [111.86K]
color harmonies 1.grd [18.21K]
color harmonies 2.grd [22.87K]
metals.grd [6.02K]
neutral density.grd [20.62K]
noise samples.grd [4.64K]
pastels.grd [11.26K]
simple.grd [11.22K]
special effects.grd [10.69K]
spectrums.grd [6.34K]
hdr toning [1.47K]
flat.hdt [0.11K]
monochromatic artistic.hdt [0.11K]
monochromatic high contrast.hdt [0.12K]
monochromatic low contrast.hdt [0.11K]
monochromatic.hdt [0.12K]
more saturated.hdt [0.11K]
photorealistic high contrast.hdt [0.11K]
photorealistic low contrast.hdt [0.11K]
photorealistic.hdt [0.11K]
saturated.hdt [0.11K]
surrealistic high contrast.hdt [0.12K]
surrealistic low contrast.hdt [0.11K]
surrealistic.hdt [0.11K]
hue and saturation [0.78K]
cyanotype.ahu [0.10K]
increase saturation more.ahu [0.10K]
increase saturation.ahu [0.10K]
old style.ahu [0.10K]
red boost.ahu [0.10K]
sepia.ahu [0.10K]
strong saturation.ahu [0.10K]
yellow boost.ahu [0.10K]
levels [4.92K]
darker.alv [0.62K]
increase contrast 1.alv [0.62K]
increase contrast 2.alv [0.62K]
increase contrast 3.alv [0.62K]
lighten shadows.alv [0.62K]
lighter.alv [0.62K]
midtones brighter.alv [0.62K]
midtones darker.alv [0.62K]
lights [333.60K]
blue lights.p3l [22.28K]
cad optimized.p3l [22.77K]
cold.p3l [21.77K]
dawn.p3l [22.15K]
day lights.p3l [22.28K]
default lights.p3l [21.78K]
fire.p3l [21.77K]
hard lights.p3l [22.28K]
lush.p3l [23.32K]
mardi gras.p3l [22.28K]
night lights.p3l [22.28K]
primary colors.p3l [22.29K]
purple faze.p3l [21.79K]
red lights.p3l [22.28K]
white lights.p3l [22.28K]
materials [58.45M]
default (for ray tracer).p3m [13.82M]
default.p3m [44.41M]
materialpreview.dae [233.64K]
meshes [9.11M]
cone.dae [89.38K]
cube.dae [40.22K]
cubewrap.dae [6.38K]
cylinder.dae [53.29K]
donut.dae [269.34K]
hat.dae [2.48M]
pyramid.dae [27.43K]
ring.dae [3.42M]
soda.dae [298.32K]
sphere.dae [276.31K]
sphericalpanorama.dae [714.76K]
wine.dae [1.48M]
optimized colors [3.01K]
black – white.act [0.75K]
grayscale.act [0.75K]
mac os.act [0.75K]
windows.act [0.75K]
optimized output settings [3.26K]
background image.iros [1.61K]
default settings.iros [0.04K]
xhtml.iros [1.61K]
optimized settings [13.07K]
gif 128 dithered.irs [1.08K]
gif 128 no dither.irs [1.08K]
gif 32 dithered.irs [1.08K]
gif 32 no dither.irs [1.08K]
gif 64 dithered.irs [1.08K]
gif 64 no dither.irs [1.08K]
gif restrictive.irs [1.08K]
jpeg high.irs [1.12K]
jpeg low.irs [1.12K]
jpeg medium.irs [1.12K]
png-24.irs [1.08K]
png-8 128 dithered.irs [1.08K]
patterns [6.19M]
artist surfaces.pat [445.31K]
color paper.pat [1.47M]
grayscale paper.pat [272.83K]
nature patterns.pat [1.02M]
patterns 2.pat [243.39K]
patterns.pat [300.40K]
rock patterns.pat [1.04M]
texture fill 2.pat [648.20K]
texture fill.pat [822.33K]
render settings [270.33K]
bounding box.p3r [7.73K]
default.p3r [34.41K]
depth map.p3r [6.66K]
hidden wireframe.p3r [7.73K]
line illustration.p3r [35.08K]
normals.p3r [6.66K]
paint mask.p3r [6.66K]
shaded illustration.p3r [34.69K]
shaded vertices.p3r [7.73K]
shaded wireframe.p3r [35.06K]
solid wireframe.p3r [34.49K]
transparent bounding box outline.p3r [7.73K]
transparent bounding box.p3r [7.73K]
two-sided.p3r [22.48K]
vertices.p3r [7.73K]
wireframe.p3r [7.73K]
repousse [172.46K]
default repousse presets.p3e [172.46K]
scripts [636.37K]
event scripts only [26.12K]
clean listener.jsx [10.86K]
display camera maker.jsx [2.05K]
open as layer.jsx [0.94K]
resize.jsx [1.54K]
save extra jpeg.jsx [4.62K]
update file info.jsx [2.00K]
warn if rgb.jsx [3.40K]
welcome.jsx [0.71K]
stack scripts only [175.12K]
createimagestack.jsx [38.71K]
geometry.jsx [17.37K]
latteui.jsx [11.08K]
lenscorrect.exv [4.63K]
loadlayers.exv [2.37K]
m2hdr.exv [2.24K]
p_autoalign_automatic_87x38.png [4.17K]
p_autoalign_collage_87x38.png [6.94K]
p_autoalign_cylindrical_87x38.png [5.89K]
p_autoalign_interactive_87x38.png [3.89K]
p_autoalign_perspective_87x38.png [5.64K]
p_autoalign_reposition_87x38.png [5.47K]
p_autoalign_spherical_87x38.png [8.51K]
pmblendingprogress.exv [0.33K]
pmdialog.exv [5.17K]
polyclip.jsx [5.75K]
stacksupport.jsx [31.85K]
statistics.exv [2.66K]
terminology.jsx [12.45K]
conditional mode change.jsx [32.81K]
delete all empty layers.jsx [9.40K]
export layers to files.jsx [56.91K]
fit image.jsx [19.58K]
flatten all layer effects.jsx [18.27K]
flatten all masks.jsx [17.34K]
image processor.jsx [80.90K]
layer comps to files.jsx [51.60K]
layer comps to wpg.jsx [1.15K]
lens correct.jsx [27.35K]
load dicom.jsx [7.36K]
load files into stack.jsx [3.84K]
merge to hdr.jsx [15.40K]
photomerge.jsx [37.84K]
script events manager.jsx [48.64K]
statistics.jsx [6.76K]
styles [5.42M]
abstract styles.asl [2.16M]
buttons.asl [180.27K]
dotted strokes.asl [51.36K]
dp styles.asl [7.15K]
glass buttons.asl [49.93K]
image effects.asl [180.25K]
ks styles.asl [324.47K]
photographic effects.asl [257.23K]
text effects 2.asl [887.77K]
text effects.asl [223.41K]
textures.asl [854.56K]
web styles.asl [323.74K]
tools [3.28M]
art history.tpl [705.93K]
brushes.tpl [344.77K]
crop and marquee.tpl [4.34K]
dp presets.tpl [1.76M]
m tool presets.tpl [284.32K]
mixer brush tool.tpl [23.20K]
splatter brush tool presets.tpl [8.68K]
text.tpl [187.07K]
volumes [723.13K]
enhanced boundaries-default.p3r [81.35K]
full range color scale.p3r [68.08K]
high range highlights.p3r [13.66K]
high-low.p3r [50.93K]
low range highlights.p3r [67.53K]
maximum intensity projection (mip).p3r [23.55K]
mip-x-ray.p3r [38.37K]
red-blue color scale.p3r [64.65K]
thin isolines.p3r [74.36K]
white-black color scale.p3r [82.00K]
x-ray with boundaries.p3r [96.23K]
x-ray.p3r [62.42K]
widgets [591.62K]
axiswidget.dae [524.56K]
infinitelightwidget.dae [27.82K]
pointlightwidget.dae [14.90K]
spotlightwidget.dae [24.34K]
zoomify [46.22K]
zoomify viewer (black background).zvt [1.76K]
zoomify viewer (gray background).zvt [1.76K]
zoomify viewer (white background).zvt [1.76K]
zoomify viewer with navigator (black background).zvt [1.77K]
zoomify viewer with navigator (gray background).zvt [1.76K]
zoomify viewer with navigator (white background).zvt [1.76K]
zoomifyviewer.swf [35.66K]
required [46.56M]
cgshaders [56.47K]
brushpreview.cg [12.78K]
constantcolor_shaders.cg [2.00K]
dof_shaders.cg [1.41K]
environment_shaders.cg [2.29K]
surface_shaders.cg [20.40K]
uv_shaders.cg [12.74K]
volume_shaders.cg [4.85K]
dbrush [601.91K]
bristlebrushcollection_cs5.dbrsb [248.89K]
bristlebrushcollection_cs5.dbrush [353.02K]
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